Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Say it ain't so...

Well, it has been a long time since I've updated the blog, but we've had some changes since my last post.  In early January we let Heidi play out in a yard leash-free for the first time since surgery.  She probably overdid it a little, and the next day we noticed a little swollen lump on her incision line (her knee that was done in July- the MMP surgery).  It was kind of hard, kind of squishy- weird I know.  After a few days of rest, the swelling went down and we went along our business.  A few more times we let Heidi have some off leash activity and each time, this little knot would appear the next day.  More recently, I've noticed this knot is always there.  It swells with excessive activity, but never goes completely away.  Finally, maybe the end of February we took her to our local vet to get it checked out.  They did not think it was anything too serious, but were afraid to do anything to it since they had not performed the surgery, and recommended we see the doctor who did the surgery.  So after much deliberation, Alex and I made the appointment.  Last Thursday night I came home from clinical and the knot/lump had burst (no idea how or why).  It was bleeding slightly, but that was about it- no pus or yucky discharge.  Luckily, our vet appointment was set for the following Monday (yesterday) so over the weekend I kept it covered with gauze and tape and flushed it daily with sterile saline.

Fast-forward to yesterday, the day of the appointment at the vet school.  I took off work and to Raleigh we went.  We had X-rays and obtained a culture of the wound.  The vets think the knot was probably caused by the tiny wire that held the implant in place.  (If you look back at one of my previous posts, probably around July of 2012, there are X-rays of the procedure she had and you can see what wire I'm talking about).  Apparently some dogs are super sensitive and the tiny ends of the wire can irritate the tissue in that area.  This irritated, inflamed area then probably developed an infection- we will know more about that when the culture comes back (by Friday).  They started her on a broad spectrum antibiotic, Clindamycin 300 mg every 12 hours, and once they find out if it is a bacterial infection and what type, they will prescribe her something more specific.  In the mean time I am cleaning her wound with a chlorohexidine solution they gave me, applying triple antibiotic ointment, and covering it with a gauze bandage.  I chose to go this route for now, until the culture comes back.  They really encouraged me to do the surgery to remove the wire, but I wanted to see what "bug" was in her, causing this mess before making that decision.  There is a small chance it could just be an inflammatory response with no infection, but they seem to think this is unlikely.  Our greatest risk here is that the actual implant (wedge shaped foam-like piece between 2 pieces of her bone) or her bone could become infected.  That is a very serious problem and would likely require removal of all of the hardware in her leg, which would leave her at a high risk for injury.  That would require another 8 weeks of total confinement to allow the empty space to fill with bone and would be very very tough on both Heidi and us.  So we of course are trying to avoid that at all cost, but I also just want to make sure there is an infection in the first place before jumping to more surgery. 

My poor girl has been through it, but she is a trooper.  Just to add my two cents, if I could do this all over again with her second knee, I would've done the TTO procedure like we did with the first knee.  Knowing what I know now, I think if you do get in a situation where the implant is infected, it is MUCH easier to remove the hardware and much less traumatic to the poor pup who endures the procedure with the TTO. Yeah, the MMP was a few hundred dollars cheaper and she was under anesthesia for a shorter amount of time, but the possible complications seem less extreme with the TTO.  Just thought I'd put that out there in case anyone is toying with a decision between those two surgical procedures.  As always, I will keep you guys updated as often as I can.  Should know more by Friday.  In the mean time, keep us in your thoughts!


  1. Hi there. My boy is in surgery today having MMP. It's his first knee surgery so your updates have given me some good info on what to expect. After reading your latest update im a bit worried about choosing to go with the MMP option but my vet thinks it will give my boy the best chance for the future as he has elbow displaysia and arthritis in his front legs. Like your girl, he had cost us a fortune but is so worth every cent! Thanks for the blog and look forward to more entries in the future. Big cuddle to your beautiful girl!!

    1. Don't let what I said about the MMP scare you. Heidi is doing great with that leg as well, and I think the infection was just a bump in the road that can occur with any of the surgeries. So far, the antibiotics have seemed to take care of the infection, and she's as crazy and active as ever. We have 1 week of antibiotics left, and once we're finished I'll post a follow-up. I will be thinking about you and your boy today :) Let me know how things go and if you have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to ask! Good luck!!!
