Monday, January 9, 2012

Our Little Acrobat

So no real updates, but I have to share a bad/scary thing Heidi has done.  We're hoping and praying she hasn't hurt herself.  So on Saturday, my parents came by to visit their Granddog.  She was so so so excited to see them.  They are her favorite people aside from Alex and me.  So all was well, she got a little to crazy when they came in but we got her calm and they sat down on the floor with her for a while.  Well, when it was time for her "grandparents" to leave Heidi was not happy.  We left her in her enclosed area to let them out and Heidi decided to jump over the couch.  Like, the entire couch... not up on the couch... OVER THE COUCH!  Alex and I almost had a freaking heart attack.  Luckily, all seemed ok.  We turned the cushions of the couch up and put the pillows in front of that thinking there would be no way she could do that again with the cushions moved. 

Well, fast forward to this evening.  This was one of the few days that Alex and I both had to work all day (8-5ish) so Heidi was in her kennel for most of the day.  Fortunately for Heidi, Alex was able to come home on his lunch and take her on a quick bathroom break.  I got home a little before Alex this evening and as soon as I opened the door I heard a loud thud and saw a brown blur running toward me.  Somehow the dog had gotten out of her kennel while we were gone.  I went to inspect and there was no damage to the kennel, it just looked like it wasn't latched correctly.  Normally I wouldn't worry about her being out because she is perfect when we're away and usually just sleeps or chews a toy, but with her injury, she isn't allowed to jump on things- like the bed- which she was definitely snoozing on when I got home.  But she looked fine so I was able to let out a huge sigh of relief.  I took her out to potty then brought her in and fed her dinner.  While she was eating dinner "Dad" came home and Heidi got so excited she leapt over the couch AGAIN to get to him... heart attack number 2. We immediately punished her and put her back in her kennel for an hour (she was probably glad to be there after all the yelling we did).  I now have trash bags (which she is terrified of) on the couch cushions which are still propped upright, so hopefully she'll stay away.  I don't know what else to do other than kennel her at all times which seems so unfair and stressful.

The good news is, she seems fine.  I guess the X-rays in 4 and a half weeks will tell all, but I feel like if she messed something up, she'd be in pain.  I really hope the people at the vet school get back to me about increasing her meds.  This crazy dog needs something... like yesterday!  And if she keeps this up, I'm gonna need something too!
who knew something so cute could be so mischievous

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